Home trade has to do with the buying and selling of goods and services within the same country that caters to domestic demand. Wholesale trade is a significant part of home trade as it involves the distribution of goods from manufacturers to retailers to ensure a smooth flow of products in the supply chain.
A wholesaler is a trader who purchases goods in large quantities directly from manufacturers or producers and sells them in smaller quantities to retailers. Wholesalers act as intermediaries between manufacturers and retailers. They play a pivotal role in the distribution and supply of goods within the domestic market.
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Functions of the Wholesaler to the Manufacturer

The following are the functions of the wholesaler to the manufacturer:
- Mass Production Support: Wholesalers enable manufacturers to adhere to mass production principles by providing a consistent demand for their products.
- Space Availability: Wholesalers create storage space for manufacturers, allowing them to continue production.
- Financial Support: Wholesalers provide funds to manufacturers by making bulk purchases, facilitating capital flow.
- Manufacturing Completion: Wholesalers may perform final manufacturing touches on certain products.
- Credit Facilities: Wholesalers offer credit to manufacturers, helping them manage their cash flow.
- Price Stabilization: Wholesalers help stabilize prices of goods by controlling supply and demand.
- Price Risk Management: Wholesalers bear the risk of price fluctuations, protecting manufacturers.
- Market Information: They keep manufacturers informed about market trends and dynamics.
- Transportation Relief: Wholesalers handle transportation, relieving manufacturers of logistical challenges.
- Manufacturing Advice: Wholesalers advise manufacturers on production and market needs.
- Market Forecasting: They forecast market trends to aid manufacturers’ planning.
- Advertisement: Wholesalers engage in advertising to promote goods.
Read: Differences Between a Wholesaler and a Retailer
Functions of the Wholesaler to the Retailer
- Retailer Advice: Wholesalers provide advice to retailers on product selection and trends.
- Credit Facilities: They offer credit to retailers to manage their inventory.
- Small Quantity Sales: Wholesalers sell goods in smaller quantities to retailers, suiting their needs.
- Price Stability: Wholesalers help retailers stabilize prices of goods.
- Price Risk Management: They bear the risk of price fluctuations for retailers.
- Transportation Support: Wholesalers sometimes transport goods to retailer shops.
- Grading and Packaging: They grade and package goods for retailers.
- New Product Introduction: Wholesalers introduce new products to retailers.
- Choice Variety: Wholesalers offer retailers a wide variety of products to choose from.
- Link to Manufacturers: They act as a crucial link connecting retailers to manufacturers.
- Guarantor and Referee: Wholesalers may act as guarantors and referees for retailers.
- Promotion: They promote retailers’ trade through various means.
- Market Forecasting: Wholesalers forecast market trends for retailers.