Deforestation: Meaning, Effects and Control Measures

Deforestation is the process of cutting down trees or forest for the purpose of farming, lumbering mining, industrial, grazing and residential without immediate replanting of trees to replace the cut ones.


In this post, we shall examine the meaning, effects and the control measures of deforestation. At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • define deforestation;
  • list the effects of deforestation; and
  • suggest the control measures of deforestation.

Meaning of Deforestation

Deforestation is the process of cutting down trees or forest for the purpose of farming, lumbering mining, industrial, grazing and residential without immediate replanting of trees to replace the cut ones.

Image Credit: markusspiske on Pixabay.

It is destruction of forests, replacing them with something else.

Effects of Deforestation

Effects of Deforestation are as follows: 

  1. It exposes the soil to rain and wind erosion. 
  2. It destroys the natural forest which is rich in natural resources.
  3. It could lead to flooding and desertification. 

Control Measures for Deforestation

  1. Deforestation can be controlled through afforestation which is the planting of new trees. 
  2. There should be no indiscriminate bush burning.  
  3. Overgrazing should also be put in check.  Employment of forest guards can be used to curb deforestation.
See also  Adire Oniko


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