Trade Associations: Examples, Objectives, and Functions

Trade associations are established to advance the interests of their members within a particular industry or trade.


Trade associations are established to advance the interests of their members within a particular industry or trade. They work towards common goals such as lobbying for favourable policies, providing industry-specific education and training, setting standards, and fostering networking opportunities among members.

Membership in these associations is voluntary. Individuals within a specific profession or trade should join based on their common interests and objectives.


Trade associations serve as advocates for their members. They represent their concerns and interests to governmental bodies, regulatory authorities, and other relevant stakeholders. They also provide support and resources to help members navigate industry challenges and stay updated on industry trends. They offer opportunities for professional development, which include training programs, workshops, seminars, and certifications that enhance members’ skills and knowledge within their field.

Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) logo

There are various trade associations across different sectors in Nigeria, such as the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA), Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT), and Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), among others.

Objectives and Functions of Trade Associations

Trade associations operate with specific objectives geared towards advancing the interests of their members and upholding professional standards within their respective industries or professions. These objectives are fundamental to guiding the actions and initiatives of these associations.

Members of the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) during a protest.

While they advance the interests of their members, they also contribute to the growth and regulation of their respective industries or professions. Here are the important objectives and roles of trade associations:

  1. Protection of Trade/Profession: Trade associations work diligently to protect the interests and welfare of their particular trade or profession. They advocate for policies and regulations that benefit their members.
  2. Safeguarding Member Interests: Ensuring the well-being and interests of their members is a primary goal. This involves support in various aspects, including legal, financial, and professional matters.
  3. Maintaining Price Uniformity: Some trade associations aim to regulate and maintain uniform prices of goods and services within their industry to prevent unfair competition and ensure a level playing field for members.
  4. Ensuring High-Quality Services: Trade associations set and uphold standards to ensure that the services or products provided by their members meet high-quality benchmarks. This enhances consumer trust and satisfaction.
  5. Regulation of Member Activities: They establish guidelines and regulations to govern the activities and conduct of their members, thereby maintaining professional standards and ethical practices within the industry.
  6. Fostering Community: They bring together professionals in the same trade or profession. This union fosters a sense of community and enables networking opportunities that encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing.
  7. Dissemination of Information: They play a role in disseminating relevant information about industry trends, regulations, market insights, and opportunities to their members. They continually keep their members updated and equipped with relevant knowledge.
  8. Maintaining Professional Ethics: Upholding ethical standards within the profession or industry is a core objective. Trade associations ensure that their members adhere to a code of conduct that promotes integrity and professionalism.
  9. Dispute Resolution: Trade associations mediate and resolve disputes that arise between their members. This mediation promotes harmony and cooperation within the industry.
  10. Acting as Pressure Groups: They can function as pressure groups, leveraging collective influence to advocate for changes in policies or regulations that affect their industry or profession.
  11. Education and Training: Trade associations provide educational resources, training programs, workshops, and seminars to continuously enhance the knowledge and skills of their members.
  12. Wage Negotiation: Some associations engage in negotiations related to wages and benefits for workers within the industry.
  13. Price Regulation: They may regulate prices within the industry to mitigate price fluctuations and ensure fair competition among members.
  14. Prevention of Imitation: Trade associations work to prevent the imitation or counterfeiting of their products or services.
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